Every country in the world has custom tariffs and Saudi Arabia is one of them. Most goods imported into Saudi Arabia are subject to customs tariffs.
The tariff is expected to be paid once it enters the country. The amount varies from one item to the other. Usually, the customs duty is pegged at 4.85% for items imported into the country.
Some items have more tariffs than others. Items like that are cement, steel, organic detergent, expensive furniture, and so on. Those that fall under this group are usually subject to twenty percent of its value as a custom tariff. This is done to protect the growth of the industry in Saudi Arabia. The country wants people to buy things made in the country, instead of importing them from another country.
If you are importing tobacco items, you will pay thirty percent of their value as impurity duties. To protect the food industry in Saudi Arabia, the country metes out a high custom tariff for some food items that are imported. If it is not basic consumer good, you will be expected to pay more in import tariffs.

Not every item is subject to import tariffs in most countries of the world. Saudi Arabia also has items that it has exempted its importers from paying customs duties too.
If you are importing fundamental consumer items like rice, sugar, unroasted coffee, and so on, you will be exempted from paying custom tariffs. If you are improving meat, livestock and wheat, this also applies to you.
The country had an agreement with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), thereby allowing importers from those countries to import things into Saudi Arabia without them paying any custom tariffs. To find out more about this, please visit the Saudi Custom Website.